From this section of the site you can download presentations given at conferences and other events that provide an overview of the TEIN3 project, setting it in context and highlighting the benefits the project is delivering to the Asia-Pacific region.
20th July 2012
THEOS Powerpoint presentation (11045 kB)
23rd March 2011
TEIN3 Network Interoperation (2229 kB)
Presentation by Richard Hughes-Jones, Open Grid Forum (OGF31) EU-Asia Workshop, 23 March 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan.
1st November 2010
TEIN3 Update (2381 kB)
Presentation by Cathrin Stöver, SA-SIG, INTERNET2 Fall Meeting 2010, 1 November 2010, Atlanta, USA.
30th September 2010
Trans Eurasia Information Network (TEIN3): Towards a truly pan-Asian R&E network (2728 kB)
Presentation by Helga Spitaler, 3rd SEACOOP Cooperation Forum on e-Infratsructures, 30 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
30th September 2010
Malaysia Research and Education Network (Myren) and TEIN3 (227 kB)
Presentation by Liana Jacinta Jaganathan, 3rd SEACOOP Cooperation Forum on e-Infratsructures, 30 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
30th September 2010
ICT Infrastructure in Lao PDR - October 2010 (3469 kB)
Presentation by Phonpasit Phissamay, 3rd SEACOOP Cooperation Forum on e-Infratsructures, 30 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
30th September 2010
ICT Status in Cambodia (261 kB)
Presentation by Sokun Heng, 3rd SEACOOP Cooperation Forum on e-Infratsructures, 30 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
11th August 2010
Future Internet Experiments over National Research & Education Networks: The Use Cases of FEDERICA & NOVI over European NRENs -GÉANT (3472 kB)
Presentation by Vasilis Maglaris, 30th APAN Meeting, 11 August 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam.
27th July 2010
Trans Eurasia Information Network Phase 3 (TEIN3) (7604 kB)
Remote presentation by David West, MyREN International Seminar, 27 July 2010.
24th May 2010
TEIN1 – TEIN4: entering a 2nd decade of co-operation between Asia and Europe (4039 kB)
Keynote presentation by David West, KOREN Workshop, 24 May 2010, Seoul, Korea.
1st December 2009
Joining TEIN3 - South Meets East (9140 kB)
Presentation by Nimal Ratnayake, ASEM Workshop, 1 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1st December 2009
GÉANT and TEIN3: Bringing cultures together across continents (6509 kB)
Presentation by Domenico Vicinanza, TNC2010, 31 May 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania.
1st December 2009
GÉANT and TEIN3: Bringing cultures together across continents (21 kB)
Introduction to dance performance by Cathrin Stoever, GÉANT Launch Event, 1 December 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
14th August 2009
TEIN initiative and its future development (443 kB)
Presentation by Yeong Ro Lee, KOREN Workshop 2009 Spring and TEIN3 Launching Ceremony, 21 May 2009.
15th June 2009
Achievements and Plans of the TEIN Programme (1041 kB)
Presentation by Xing Li on behalf of David West, Thailand TEIN3 Launch Event, 15 June, Bangkok Thailand.
22nd May 2009
History of TEIN Programme and Cooperation between EU and Asia (115 kB)
Remote presentation by Dany Vandromme, KOREN Workshop 2009 Spring and TEIN3 Launching Ceremony, 21 May 2009.
22nd May 2009
Achievements and Plans of the TEIN Programme (1041 kB)
Remote presentation by David West, KOREN Workshop 2009 Spring and TEIN3 Launching Ceremony, 21 May 2009.
21st May 2009
TEIN initiative and its future development (443 kB)
Presentation by Yeong Ro Lee, KOREN Workshop 2009 Spring and TEIN3 Launching Ceremony, 21 May 2009
5th March 2009
Introducing TEIN3 (649 kB)
Presentation by David West, APAN Medical Working Group at 27th APAN Meeting, 5 March 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2nd March 2009
Introducing TEIN3 (300 kB)
Presentation by David West, TEIN3 Reception at 27th APAN Meeting, 2 March 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
25th February 2009
Philippine Research, Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET) (7260 kB)
Presentation by Denis Villorente, Philippine TEIN3 Launch Event, 25 February, Manila, Philippines.
25th February 2009
APAN Activities (1369 kB)
Presentation by Shigeki Goto, Philippine TEIN3 Launch Event, 25 February, Manila, Philippines.
25th February 2009
Tele-medicine in the Philippines (1782 kB)
Presentation by Serafin C. Hilvano, Philippine TEIN3 Launch Event, 25 February, Manila, Philippines.
25th February 2009
Agricultural research and high-performance networking (745 kB)
Presentation by Marco van den Berg, Philippine TEIN3 Launch Event, 25 February, Manila, Philippines.
25th February 2009
DILC and PREGINET: A collaboration in resource and infrastructure (7196 kB)
Presentation by Peter Sy, Philippine TEIN3 Launch Event, 25 February, Manila, Philippines.
19th November 2008
CanalAVIST: Next Generation Global Education (1172 kB)
Presentation by Ta Ba Hung, EU-SEA Net Meeting, 19 November 2008, Paris, France.
7th October 2008
Trans Eurasia Information Network (TEIN): Research and Education Networking e-Infrastructure for Asia (627 kB)
Presentation by David West, SEACOOP Meeting, 7 October 2008, Brussels, Belgium.
27th March 2008
Trans Eurasia Information Network, Phase 3 (1055 kB)
Presentation by George McLaughlin, VinaREN National Forum, 27 March 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam.
27th March 2008
CanalAVIST initiatives on TEIN2 (474 kB)
Presentation by Kanchana Kanchanasut, VinaREN National Forum, 27 March 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam.
27th March 2008
Expanding the reach of Grid applications in Asia through new network deployments (2844 kB)
Presentation by George McLaughlin, ISGC2008, 27 March 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
25th January 2008
3rd Generation Research and Education Networking Across Asia - A New Bandwidth Market (1280 kB)
Presentation by David West, Jan 2008, Trans Eurasia Information Network: 3rd Generation Research and Education Networking Across Asia - A New Bandwidth Market.
21st June 2007
GÉANT2 utilizing Trans-Eurasian Information Network (TEIN) and Cooperation in Northeast Asia (290 kB)
Presentation by Dai Davies, June 2007, Jeju Peace Forum, Jeju, Republic of Korea.
14th March 2007
TEIN2 Practical and Operational Aspects (472 kB)
Presentation by David West 14 March 2007, Groningen. Future EC activities in the Black Sea and Central Asia.
6th February 2007
GÉANT2, ORIENT and TEIN2: Projects Connecting China and Europe (1048 kB)
Presentation by John Chevers on 30 January 2007, EuChinaGrid Meeting, Beijing.
30th January 2007
EU ChinaGrid (1031 kB)
Presentation by John Chevers on 30 January 2007, EUChina Grid Meeting, Beijing, China.
23rd January 2007
Using TEIN2 while planning TEIN3 (601 kB)
Presentation by David West on 23 January 2007, APAN, Manila